Monday, May 18, 2015

Read the signs that tells a woman likes you.

Its now common in every community to see a lady developing interest in another guy and acting in such ways as to notify him of that feeling and get him to pick up the chance to be with her.

Many girls today show more interest in men whom they seem to like and they don't wait for the men to just come and play along with them.
They certainly know that if they like a particular man, then they must act and behave in some manners that will let the guy know that they are having a crush on them so that the man will decide to play along.

These signs are so common in many women and few of them are being exhibited by certain women who do it in a different way.
So as a man, if you find it hard figuring out if that lady likes you and is particularly crushing on you, these are some habits they enjoy to portray.

She tries to talk to you for the first time.
If the woman is a stranger to you or someone you have been seeing but have not officially meet, then her first aim is to try talk to you and know you personally.

So she finds any avenue and possible chances to have a word with you and hear you talk back at her.
This will lead both of you into talking and knowing more about each other.
If she is that shy type, you might just see a female friend of yours introducing her to you.

That's her first trick into knowing you and once she does that, it will now be easier for her to meet you at any point and say hi.
But if you have already known her officially, then just skip this one and read the next sign we got for you.

She always smile at you without limits
This one is probably a good sign to know that a lady is interested in you. But you must watch it, not every lady that smiles at you is also interested in dating you.
So you should find out, does she also smiles a lot with other men? Then its habitual and not that she likes you.
But if she only smiles at you, then it specially means that she want you to see her good sides and pick up a hint at her behaviour.

Also when she smiles, look at her and see her reaction, if she keeps smiling and even looking into your eyes, then she is interested in you.
Some ladies will smile at you, but will not look at you while doing so, but if she does the both at the same time, then be sure there is something to it.

But don't move too fast, wait and check on other factors that indicate she likes you, because a smile might not be convincing and assuring, she might not do it every time and that will frustrate you. So you must keep watching, read more of them below.

She makes eye contact with you every time.
Now this is a special one and shows you are already going in because not every woman does this with every man.

She wouldn't  just stop looking at you, when you look at her, she looks at you but then, drops her head down, and when she raises her head, she looks straight into your face.
At this point, be sure that something is already going on inside her heart and she can not just help it.
At this level, all she wants is to start talking to you when she has the slightest chance to do that.

But if you are already friends and she start showing these sign, it is a lot more easier to guess that she is now crushing on you.
You know a woman who is just a friend can not do that all the time, and if you see that she starts to do that every time you are together or when she sees you, then you are already her subject matter.

She just laughs at everything you say.
Especially your jokes, she just finds a reason to laugh at them, even the ones that are not funny enough to get her laugh. And she does this just because she want to make you feel that she is interested in anything you say and specially prevent boredom from setting in.

When she does that, its really fun and gives you more ideas to chat on without getting out of topics. But just know that her main aim here is to get you thinking that "wow!! This lady just likes me, and i like her too because she is fun to be with, can you imagine? She just laughs at everything i say, it seems she is up to something else. Hmm????". And when ever she laughs at your jokes, even the lame ones, you hear her say things like "jez!! You are so funny, cant stop laughing" .

You see when a lady does things like that, then am sure the first point of view is that she is loving up, so don't hesitate, check on the other signs before jumping into conclusion.

She suddenly starts been around your vicinity.
Now what she want is to always see you and talk to you, if she is someone new to you, she will try to know where you live so that she can always visit the area where you live.

When a woman does this, it will even make you feel more attracted.
If the woman is someone you are already friends with, then you see her making excuses and reasons for coming to your apartment or visiting your family house always.
All these things are sudden, she have not been doing them, then you just see her starting to do them, that indicates she is on to you.

She always find a means to touch you.
This can be done anyhow by any lady, but when a lady loves you, she does that in a special way that makes you feel more attracted to her.

For example, a lady might touch you anyway and anyhow when she want to take something from your hands forcefully, or when both of you are playing around.
But if that lady likes you, you see her touching you and making body contact with you in special forms.
For example, cleaning lint off your clothing, holding your hands while crossing the road, coming close to you and holding you tight when she gets afraid or frightened, etc.

Now that clearly shows she is interested in you, you don't have to doubt this one.

She calls and text you almost all the time.
A woman who is not too anxious and nervous to get you might not do this every time because she knows you might get bored and tired of it. So you see her doing things like: calling you every morning when she wake up,then every evening when she is back from work, and texting you every night before she goes to bed.

But when the lady is too nervous, she just calls you every time which will get you tired sometimes, but you already know what she is up to, so play along.

If the lady is already a friend of yours, then you see her increase the number of times she call you and also calling you at moments when lovers are due to call each other(morning and night hours).

She always tell you what she feels.
When you are just friends with a lady, she don't just tell you her problems and emotional feelings. But when something is starting to get cooked up inside her heart, she starts doing all those things without thinking a second time.

So when you see her telling you how she felt when she woke up in the morning, what she dreamt about, how the day's work went, how she almost had an accident during the day, etc. So when she does all those things, it shows that she is ready to share her life with you and so, you actually knows she is already loving you.

Also you find out that she tells you all her plans and things she will want to do over the weekend, also you see her creating empty spaces where you can fit and show interest in feeling. When she want you to come over to meet her, you see her make statements like "Damn!!! Am spending the weekend at home alone, how i wish i had someone to stay".

Statements like that makes you the favourite to that condition, am sure you will not think twice before saying yes to her.

So those are the little tips we have for you towards knowing when a lady is starting to like and love you. if you have more to contribute to this article, then kindly use the comment box to drop it.
Catch us on our other interesting articles.

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