Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why you should stop flirting with a woman after she said no

Guys can never think and act right sometimes, especially when trying to get what they want from a lady, or when they see a lady whom they are actually having a crush on.

Naturally, it is not good that you keep pressing on a woman after she said no to you a quite number of times.
When its your first time asking her out and she said no, its okay to try again because maybe she needed to think before making her decisions, but when you ask her a second and the third time and she says no to all, then it must be the time for you to stop pushing.

A woman means her words especially when she repeats those same words in certain conditions and refuse to change them.
There are countless of women out there waiting to be loved, though it pains a lot knowing that a woman you are actually falling for aint falling for you.
Read about the ways in which a woman will certainly reject you.

Different methods used by women for turning men down and saying no to them.
Sometimes the rejection might be done the harsh way which can tear you apart and hurt you so much. For example, you asked her out, and what the hell,, both of you are in a public place, then she went like "hey!!! Just hold it there, am not interested in you, i dont even like you, you are not my class or my type, go for those other cheap girls and dont talk to me ever again."
You see, that will hurt you so much, and apart from that, the public embarrasment is much, and it will seem to you that the whole world is looking at you where being embarrased and turned down by a woman.

But sometimes, other girls would do it in such a way that will ease the pain and make you let go easily. Some girls will go like "oh poor you!! But am so sorry, am into a relationship, and i dont like cheating, so i can go with you right now, but do you mind if we still become friends?".
So you see the different modes here, one is cool and polite, the other is harsh and too arrogant, but all leading to one simple conclusion which means no for you.

Also for some other women, they might be confused thinking that they might be straight or bisexual, as a result, they use that opportunity to turn men down and have them never to return. For example, a woman might just tell you "am a lesbian, and i have a girlfriend, am sorry."

You see, this one is not harsh, neither cool nor polite, its will only cause complications inside your heart, maybe you might be thinking to turn her to change and love you, and at the same time, you feel like she is not worth anymore since she is a lesbian, so you will feel like letting her go.

But not withstanding, in all these, here are things you must have in mind as the Reasons why you should stop chasing a woman after she said no to you many times.

You are not of interest to her physically or emotionally.
When women want to make the choice of a man,they do seem to work along with the physical looks and how emotional they feel with the man.
So maybe your swag and looks are okay, and you look physically okay, she might not feel for you emotionally or have that romantic sight on you, so once that romantic part and emotional sign is absent in you, then she will not want to accept you.

So if you really want to get her, then you work on making yourself look romantic by going for the emotional sense teasers, like making of eye contacts, the sense of touch, the i care for you actions, the good night messages, etc.

She has friends she normally spend her time with.
Now maybe she is not even interested in this relationship of a thing, and she has her friends whom she spends more of her time with, she might not be willing to sacrifice her time to you just to forgone her friendships, so because of that, she prefer to say no and move on with her friends.

so you see that you are not of any importance to her, and she not willing to let her friends go means she cant be with you all the time, so the best thing to do is to stop chasing and move on with your life.

She's already in a relationship and not ready to cheat.
Am sure you will be happy if your girlfriend should say no to another guy just to save your relationship, so you dont blame that woman for rejecting you. Maybe she is in a relationship, and she does not want to cheat, so she is protecting her relationship from any harm.
Now you dont need to continue pressing on because am sure that if she was your girl, you would not appreciate anyone trying to be your rival.

She does what she want because she is her own self.
This is another reason a woman might turn you down, am sure you are not using any charm to get her, so i would just say, she is free to live her life anyway with anyone she choose to, so you just need to move on if she says no for this reason, maybe she is not ready for any relationship at that moment, so just stop and focus on other women.

The reason why many women get angry and irritated by men who ask them out is that they keep trying and coming even after they said no, refusing to take no for an answer..
When a woman is kind to you, you must not mistake it for emotional feelings because it is a different thing. So that is why you need to stop everything and look forward towards making yourself look fit for a better girl and a better life.

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