Friday, May 15, 2015

Effects of Long distance relationships and things that makes it unfavourable

Long distance relationships are the only kind of relationship that has been seen with lots of effects which might not favour the partners in the relationship.

LDR's are good and can ease you of many unnecessary situations but at the same time, it has the ability of making you do weird things which are out of your mind because your partner is no where near you.

In every long distance relationships, there are certain effects which are prevalent if given a room which in turn, can tear your relationship apart and set it ablaze.
Hence, there is need for you to keep a watch on those effects which might flow in anytime at any point.

At some points, these effects are challenges that people who engage in LDR's face both physically and emotionally.
So the main aim of this article is to inform you of those effects LDR has on you and how you can handle the situations effectively so you dont fall a victim to those challenges which can end up screwing you up in the relationship.
Here are some of those effects of long distance relationships and how to handle the situations when they set in or show up in your relationship.

You must choose to trust your partner.
This is one of the well known effect and criteria which is always a necessity in every LDR.
You must choose to trust your partner because that is the only option you have. Choosing not to trust them only puts the relationship in another mood which will always cause you problems and difficulties.

Unlike the other kinds of relationships, where you are always around your partner and you always get informed about any thing going around your partner, this gives you the opportunity to choose either to trust your partner, or choose to give your partner an untrustworthy mark because you have already known them in and out.

But when in a LDR, you are not close to your partner, and you are hardly informed and noticed about anything happening around your partner or anything going one in their cycle, now you only know that love is surely the bond that keeps both of you together, and to seal that bond, you must choose to now trust your partner to save your skins and maintain the relationship.

But what if your partner is not trustworthy? Well thats the case, you dont have an option because you dont really know the things going on around them. And if you want to keep the relationship, then its compulsory that you trust them.

Just ascertain that yes, your partner is trustworthy, and dont give it a second thought.
So knowing if your partner is trustworthy is left for you to find out when you are finally together.
Now this is a really great effect because you might and might not be making the right decision and sometimes, it turns you into a fool. But as it is always said, it's better to be a fool in love than to be wise and be alone, thats awesome, you win.

You always miss your partner.
This one is a though one, because you can find yourself doing a lot of strange things when you are missing your partner so much.

It have happened to me and i was almost a victim to that situation. It happened that i was taking the LDR type and a time came when i wanted the presence of my girlfriend so badly, i needed someone to hold me around her arms and give me a warm touch, i needed someone to share some lovely moments with, but she was no where near. Then there was another girl who was interested in me but i told her that am not ready for her, she lives near the place i live too, so i called her and told her am coming to meet her, she agreed and i was already on my way to her apartment.

I was almost into the compound when i got a call from my girlfriend, and she gave me a shocking surprise, she promised to come and see during the weekend.
I was so happy but almost lost my breath due to the senses that came back to my brain, i realized i was heading the wrong way, i just went back and i called the lady, lying to her that an important issue came up and so i could not turn up, then i started tidying things up for my girl's coming.

So you see how dangerous it was and the kind of effect it had on me.
While in a LDR, there are moments when you will want someone to hold you, be together with, share your feelings and someone to cluster round your arms, now your partner is not there and this is what you want so badly, you become like a hungry vampire craving for blood. Now you know what it means, you are completely out of your mind and unless if someone is there to talk senses into your head, you will end up doing something so crazy. Sometimes, its really hard to overcome and that is why it will have a bad effect on your relationship.

Everyone seems good and nice,so you know your partner in a different way.
It always happen in every long distance relationships because both of the partners are away from each other.
When ever both of communicate on the phone, everyone seems nice, good, hygeinic and perfect, but that is not the actual nature of the both of you.

You dont know if your partner is a dirty person, or is a talkactive, or someone who does not respect her elders, or someone who does not like making peace but causing troubles, or someone who just lacks every important quality to living happily with people.

So you see this can affect your relationship maybe when you are finally together as you will get to know and see many strange attitudes and nature which your partner always portray on the outside and inside.

There are also some of the effects which i did not mention because it occurs to only few people, but not minding, i will use them to summarise this great article.

In some people who take the LDR type, they in no time get bored of calling, video chats and other social networking means through which they communicate, some run out of things to talk about and as a result, boredom sets in.
Also you see some spending lots of money and also, travelling a lot of miles just to go and see their lover. Now this can be disturbing and inconsiderate sometimes.
Also in some people, they always spend time looking and searching for ways to make their relationship work, some might not be able to see each other easily, so the equally spend and waste much time looking for a means to hook up to each other.

All these things when considered, can mean lots of time waste trying hard to maintain the relationship where you dont actually know if there is a possible future for you and your partner.

However, nothing is a waste, it pays to be patience. Holding on to trust, loyalty and honesty is the only way your long distance relationship can work out and at the end, be happily united to one another in love.

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