Thursday, May 14, 2015

How to move away from the friend zone to become a potential lover and partner

One of the big mistakes people make while trying to be lovers is taking the friendly approach and syndrome when interacting with those people.

Certain actions always describe what people will make of you and who they will see and take you as. When you always try acting the light way in such a form that the other person might not see you as a potential individual for a date, then you are missing the trail.

There are many things that will determine how that girl will take you and know you as, and we are going to see into them.

When you have already let yourself to be friend zoned by a girl in your life, and now you feel like you want to be someone else and not just a friend, but a lover, then there is a factor that you must develop which both of you must adapt to before you can change the level of the kind of relationship between both of you.

This factor am talking about is the potentiality factor. You are said to be a potential partner when a possible future between you and that girl can be seen wavering around without doubts. But you have already killed the opportunity of meeting that criteria, which is why you must work on developing such a factor.

When you are a potential partner, then you are not just somebody dating an ordinary personality, you are someone dating an individual who means the whole world to you.
Now you are not yet dating, so you can't be termed a potential partner.

So how do you become a potential friend and not just a friend?
Since you have made the mistake of turning yourself into a friend which ended you up being friend zoned, you now need to walk your way up to making yourself a potential friend. This will enable the transformation to work effectively and allow her get a hint when you start making a move towards becoming a lover.

This also means that you want to transform yourself into someone she will want to date because of what she is now seeing in you.
So here are some steps you must take to enable you move away from the friend zone.

*Avoid being an amazing and caring friend
Many actions you take will tell her the level at which she will pace you. Here are some areas you must change and desist from if you want to move away from the friend zone.

*When you always act as the caring one physically and materially.
*If you always advice her on things to do and parts to take in life.
*Also if you like addressing her relationship and dating matters.
*When you like spirituality and talking about religious activities
*when you try hard to know her and understand her

Those things are some of the things which can keep you being friend zoned your entire life, so you must act up and wise up. So you must cultivate those habits and try other things that can replace such acts. Its just like reversing the above situation. Here is how.

*Go for her emotional needs and be caring more in her emotions, caring for her physical and material needs will only continue to tie you down inside the friend zone.

*You don't want to be her mentor or life teacher, so stop being the one telling her what to do and advising her about her life, doing that will only allow you to continue being her teacher, and perhaps, a friend, now these qualities can end you up in the friend zone.

*Don't talking about her relationship life, stop advising her about relationship matters because by doing so, you are excluding yourself from her emotional feelings and drawing other people closer to her. So to let yourself join the train, you must stop being the one telling her what to do in terms of her dating life.

*Now this is also a friend zoning point, when you like discussing about spiritual and religious things. You don't want to be her religious teacher or up keeper, so avoid this and give her something else to chew about you.

*Also when trying to understand a woman physically, you should not do it the friendly way because you will end up being friend zoned. So don't do that, rather learn to love her and know more about her emotional feelings so she can have that feeling of you being part of her life.

Now these are just a few of the things you should do to escape and move away from the friend zone, but you still have little more works to complete so as to perfect the condition that you are no more being friend zoned.
Here are a list of some more actions you must take to complete the process.

Spend much time together with her
This is one necessary step you should never neglect. Doing this will tell her that you are interest in always being to together with her which will also create another impression about you in her mind.

When you are together with her, you must talk about things that are pertaining to both of you and talk about emotional things. But you must not try too hard because you might start making her feel uncomfortable.

You should also be always around her and make her feel cared for emotionally.
You can try other things like texting her sweet messages at midnight so that she can wake up to read them in the morning, or you text her before she goes to bed, it works like magic if you do it the right way.

So after doing all these things, i assure you she will be able to take a hint at you and know what you are up to. So approaching her will not be any problem for you.

What if after doing all these things, she still can't take a hint at you?
Then the first thing to do is to distance yourself away from her, maybe she needs personal space to breath fresh air on what is happening in her cycle. Now she might realize how important you have been and how you have affected almost every area of her life. She probably will start missing you.

Once you have achieved that, then every other time is a good time to express your feelings to her and tell her how emotional you feel are when you are together.

But if you are not sure that everything you did worked, then you don't have to continue trying, give yourself some personal space also to take a fresh air on what happened in the past, now you must not give up, but give it another try as far as she is still who you know her to be.

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