I have seen a lot of blogs coming up with articles related to men getting angry with women in their relationships and today, it is a proven fact that most men now get so angered over a little incident which occurred between them and their woman.
What you might keep asking yourself is the reason why a man just get so angry over a woman who he is said to love and care for.
Have you ever been in this situation before? That moment when you and your lover seem to be having fun and then, something happened, and you just got angry right there.
When long distance relationship is involved, that is where it happens a lot because as a man, you find out that little feminine actions your woman portrays will make you to live in fear, discrimination, feeling attacked, etc.
Normally, every man has a particular way he reacts to different relationship situations and therefore, we have different kinds of experience which makes us get angry with our woman mostly. And when you are angry with your woman, you normally lash out on her or tell her how angry you are and how you feel on what she did.
So what are those reasons why men get angry with women?
There are many reasons why as men, we get angry with our woman and act in whatever way we have learnt when we are angry, let me drop some regular reasons as to why men get angry with women.
#1. We as men, it have been a part of us that we can not just understand the process involved in the feeling of emotions and how we can come up with an idea to stop the trigger at that moment when its happening. This act can be traced back to our childhood days.
Now can you remember? That time when you were a child, and daddy will always get angry at you and correct you in an angry mode? Or when mummy did not prepare launch in time and then, you saw how angry daddy was and how he talked angrily to mum?
Just trace back and you can recall incidents when your dad or mum was angry with you and caught you in a harsh way and corrected you.
Now here is what you have to know, that as you were growing up, you grew up with those actions right in your view and brain and you never learned how to control anger or get someone to teach you about the act of getting angered and how to control it.
So as you now grew up and you are now a man, you act the same way you learnt when you were a young boy and it becomes a part of you. And when your woman gets you angry, you act just the way you have known in times past when you are a kid and a young boy.
#2. What you are experiencing is not what you want in your life.
Another reason why you get angry with a woman is because you are not getting what you expect out of your life.
Yes that's the true fact, a man who have everything he wants in this life will always be happy with everyone and women most especially.
So you don't have what you want in your life yet, and that simply explains the reason why you are angry.
Well now, you have gotten a clue to why you get angry with a woman right? So how do you go about dealing with your anger with a woman and stop hurting yourself every time because of a woman.
In my own case, here is what mostly makes me angry with my woman.
"When we are on a call with her, then maybe she ran out of airtime and the call ended, or i ran out of airtime, and so the call ended, then i went on to buy airtime and after that, i call her number and i saw her number was busy on another call, while i am held on call waiting, then she was on that other call and its lasting for more than 10 minutes,".
Hell no!!, i normally get angry on this issue alone and i will talk to her to the extent that will almost talk out my nerves, it triggers my anger a lot and makes me so easy and weak when am seen.
(Also Read: How to be a powerful confident man when dealing with women )
How to deal with it.
Well now you have understood this whole concept of getting angry with a woman. So what do you do to make yourself always happy with everything you do?
#1. Mark out your desires.
What you want in this life and also, what you dream and aspire to have is known as your desires.
To deal with that anger you always feel, you have to discover and search out what you are looking for in a woman and in your life.
But as you are doing that, you must keep it in mind and know that what you want and desire is not just an object, person or any activity of a thing. The part way to experiencing what you want is through people, activities and objects that yields an outcome.
A woman in her nature can only help you experience and feel what you desire when you are with a woman?
Do you desire a woman to tell you sweet words and stories? Do you desire a woman to kiss you, hug you and make you feel the warmness of her body? Or you desire to get sexually intimate with that woman?
Well it all depends on you, if you want to be happy with a woman, the best tip to work it out is to write down what you expect and desire from a woman as a whole.
For example, when it comes to money, having a lot of money is not what you desire, what you are planning to do with the money and the experience you will encounter is what you desire and you don't desire riches, but the pleasure of riches.
So when you are able to mark out and identify what you actually want in a woman, then that is when you can be able to have a clear goal and mind when you encounter any difficulty on your travel.
#How you feel.
How you feel with a woman is what will tell if you can be happy with her or not, and so you should mark this point out and think about it.
Okay do you feel that she is cheating on you? Or you feel she is not honest at all? Or you feel angry with her actions and behaviour? Okay only you can tell whatever it is.
#How do you want to feel?
After marking out and knowing how you feel with that woman, it is possible that you have now understood that actually, what you are feeling is not the way you want to feel and that's why you always get angry.
Love goes with affection, but emotion goes with feelings.
So a woman showing you love and affection does not mean she can satisfy what you want to feel and how you want to feel it.
So learn to write down how you want to feel with a woman.
After doing that, then try comparing How you feel and How you want to feel.
If what you feel and how you want to feel does not go in line with each other, then everything have gone wrong, and you are off the track.
So to get back to the track, you have to re-organise yourself, push away your current script and take out a new script.
#Your new live and script.
Now having known that the current woman you are rolling with does not provide you with the results you want, you need to get a new live by getting around and meeting some other women to get new experiences and also grab the right woman to start writing your new script for you.
(Also Read: 5 Tips on how to be that special man every woman wants )
Trying to talk to your current woman is not an option. Here is why!
She is just like an old script, which have already been roughened and dirtied with so many mistakes and corrections, and though corrections have been made, it still looks rough and dirty and can never be clean no matter what. Now do i need to tell you that having your work done on a clean and new script will be the best outcome you can have than allowing it to be on that old script?
Now considering the woman heart, you can never make a woman to change her thought on the way she feels, because what she feels is what drives her and hence, even though you succeed in talking to her and expecting her to change, she can never change.
Now that is why you need to move on and get a new life with some other new people, and when you finally meet the right woman that will make you to feel the way you have always wanted to feel, you will discover that your life will get better and completely taking a new happy turn.
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