Sunday, August 2, 2015

How to be a powerful confident man when dealing with women

I have seen many guys complain about their inability to get a woman attracted to them and love them as expected, and their normal reasons for not been able to record success is because of either shyness, anxiousness, fear or nervousness.

In today's dating and relationship ground, you will be left begging if you lack this one single component of a real man any woman will want to date. And what is that component?

Confidence is one in a million must have character you must possess if you want to attract any woman in your life. Here is why!

Women have been known to fall and lounge for a man who will make them feel safe, cared for and secured, and without having confidence in you, you can never fulfil any of a woman's wish.
So confidence is the only thing you must learn to master and perfect in your dating life which will make other women to keep chasing after you.

But have you ever asked yourself why you lack confidence?
The reason is fear, because when you are afraid of approaching a beautiful woman, it stops you from being able to date any girl in your life, when you can not kiss a lady because of fear, etc. The fear and trauma caused in these instances now brings about lack of confidence.
So how do you get rid of this fear which leads to lack of confidence?
(Also Read: 5 Unhealthy conversation mistakes you always make with women )

#Start Building Your Physical Science.

When you are not confident in doing anything, you discover that what you think mentally is what almost brings about your lack of confidence, so to start this building of confidence, you need to forget what you think mentally about any woman you meet and then, learn more about developing your physics.

Yes, you normally think that woman is bigger than you and so you can not date her, or she is more beautiful, or i don't look good, so she can not love me, oh! she is older than i, so things cant work, etc.

All these thoughts have to be erased because it will keep causing you to have a low self esteem to yourself and make you unable to approach any woman in your life.

So you should just forget about every mental aspect of your thought and then, concentrate on the physical aspect of yourself, you need to get something doing, anything that will boast your self esteem and worth.

#Exercise your body.

You should engage in any kind of physical activity that will keep you up and going, join the gym groups, footballing, weight lifting, race down and up the field, the activity you choose does not really matter, just do it because engaging in any activity that will increase the testosterone level in your body will work like magic. But how does it work?

When you strengthen your body, you strengthen your mind and if your mind is in a healthy state, then confidence is generated because your mind is at ease.
Just make this your goal and never loose sight of it because if you stop, then it is better that you have not started it at all.

#Improve On the way you pose.

When you master a better way of posing and behaving, you stand a chance to add more confidence to yourself.
Your psychology is affected by your physiology and that is why you need to improve on your behavioural aspect of thinking about women.

When you stand, talk or sit in a way that does not signify a victorious man, your feelings are affected and you will not feel any good, and that lowers your confidence.
You can never feel bad when smiling, even if its a fake smile, you can stand tall on your fit and get your arms up in the air, this can get a lot of testosterone rushing up your system and also, having cortisol decreased, doing that will get you gain more confidence than ever before.

Hey man! Don't walk like a person who just lost a race or talk like someone who is suffering from a disease, that will lower your confidence when it comes down to women.
(Also Read: How to be that special man every woman will want to date )

#Pay attention to the way you breath.

When you are with a woman and you seem not to be confident and suffer from anxiousness, nervousness and fear, you find out that you breath faster and it is almost visible from your pitch while talking, you tend to talk fast like you are in a hurry to do something, you are not comfortable and you are just like a lost fellow.

Hey man, when next you sit with a woman, relax your mind, take a deep breath, stay quite as you do that for some seconds and then, concentrate on what you are about to say and not on her, go easy and gentle, don't let your heart beat faster and when you are talking, make sure you bring your whole attention to the present situation and not the past. Read the next step now.

#Forget about the past and bring your thoughts back to the present.

Most times, the fear and nervousness you feel when with a woman is as a result of what you are thinking in your mind.
When you think about the times when you failed in getting that other girl like you, and when what will happen if you should approach this one now, thinking that she might not accept you, she will think you are not good, etc.

All those thoughts can bring your confidence down to 10%. So when you are with that woman, forget about the past and just bring your awareness and thoughts back to the present. Doing that will ease you off any tension or pressure that might come out of your imaginations.

#Destroy your fears through action and visualise victory.

The best way to master a thing and get perfect is to do it even with the fear of failing to do it right.
After you do a thing you are afraid of doing because of fear, then you discover that you are no more afraid of doing it and you get perfect in doing it.

Just do it! And that's the only language you can use to conquer any fear and after that, you will discover that you are no more afraid of doing that thing.

Now before you even go to meet that woman, what do you think of? Do you think of failing or becoming successful in your pursuit?
Now even before you go out to meet her, make sure you have already recorded success in your mind and be sure that you will not fail this time around.

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