Women have probably been known for not going straight to the point while having a discussion with anyone who they come across and today, we are going to talk about some of those things a woman say but actually takes a different meaning.
You can never understand the mind of a woman and the way she thinks and that is why you sometimes misunderstand and translate what she says wrongly. That is why most relationships gets boring now and then because when you expect your woman to clearly state her state of mind to a current situation, she does not say it straight but says it in such a way that it makes you get the wrong understanding to what she said.
Well without wasting much time doing introductions, i believe you know why you are here and so, if you fall among the category of those guys who can not understand and read a woman's thought as she beats around the bush, let me now show you some of those things your woman will tell you which you don't clearly understand and interpret.
#1. When your woman tells you "You don't need to buy me anything okay!"
When your woman tells you something like that, what comes to your mind first?
You are naturally going to think that she has everything she needs and you don't need to disturb yourself buying her anything.
But actually that's not what she means. When a woman says that to you, she just meant that you already know what she likes, and she don't have to tell you what she needs, she also expects you to ask her friends or sisters if you don't know what she needs, she just mean that if you really care, then you will figure out the right thing she wants.
#2. When your woman exclaims "What?''.
When you hear your woman say that to you, i know what comes to your mind, yes, i said something that seems unclear to hear and so, she wants me to repeat it so she can hear again.
Though sometimes, it is so and that interpretation works in situations like that, but in the other words and vocabulary of the woman's heart, she heard what i said but she is literally giving me a second option to reverse what i said previously and change it. That's how things work with women.
#3. When she tells you to "Go ahead and do whatever you want"
Yes as a man who does not understand the language of a woman, you just think that she is now giving you the power and might to do make decisions by yourself or do that thing that is right to you.
But in the language of a woman, that is not what she is telling you. She is only telling you that you should not do whatever you want without asking her, asking her will make her feel that you really care for her, but if you go ahead and do what you want, she will repay you or revenge it another time.
#4. When a woman asks you "Are you going to wear that?"
Don't think that she is asking you to confirm that you want to wear that cloth or shoes so she can complement on them, that's not the signal here.
What she is trying to tell you is that you should not even dare to wear that shoe or cloth because it does not fit, and if you are already putting them on, you better go and take them off and change. You just don't look sharp on that attire, period!!
#5. When she asks "Am i fat?" or "Am i slim?".
Don't think she is trying to know from you if she is fat or slim because that is the first thing that comes to your mind as a man when a woman tells you that.
But that is not what she means, she is only trying to hear from you if you find her attractive, sexy or not. And when she asks you that, she want to hear you say that you find her very hot and attractive and that you don't even know you are going to find someone so hot like her.
#6. When she says "You don't care for me".
Some men will even get angry when they hear their woman say something like this to them which gets the woman off her thoughts and tells them sorry, and that's another thing, she is not really sorry, you just turned her off.
When a woman says that to you, she does not really mean that you don't care or love her, she just think that you have not been showing much care and love, so what do you do about that? She wants you to improve on that and show more care.
#7. When she says "Its nothing, just forget it, am fine and okay".
This is another point you should never mess with. You will just think that she just told you that she have forgotten about what happened or what you did to her.
But in her mind, thought and meanings, she is only asking you to fix what happened and resolve the situation if not, she is going to take things her own way.
Also she might say any of those things if she want to make you forget any situation or anything that you insist on talking about.
#8. When she says "I am sorry".
You will think it as a normal word which she said straight from her heart and so, you take it like that.
But it is not so, she is just saying that so that she can get herself out of a hot awkward situation and get over it with you. Though sometimes, it is genuine and some women mean it when they say such things.
#9. When she says "I will be back in 4 minutes" or "I will be done in 2 minutes time" or "wait, i will call you back in 3 minutes".
As a man, you will normally think that she will be ready to get back to you after the time she gave as a waiting time and you expect it to be so. It have happened to me a lot until i learned not to believe that.
When a woman says any of that to you man, you just have to just relax your mind, get one or two things doing and get busy before she gets back, comes to meet you or call you back, because anytime she say that, she is just trying to make you feel comfortable with her leaving.
#10. When she says "I love you".
Hmm, and finally, when she say this to you, what do you expect? That she is also not straight?
Well don't misinterpret this language when it comes from a woman because it comes from her heart because she loves you, that is why she is bold to say that to you. Relax your mind and sit back, then think of all the above listing and know how to handle them all when it comes from a woman you consider so potential to you.
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