Monday, August 24, 2015

How to be Handy When Physically Touching a Woman

The way men get desperate in wanting to get a woman attracted and interested in them will explain the whole concept about this topic.

In a bid to get a woman interested in us, we normally always want to make physical contact by touching so that we can send and tip some signals that can trigger a woman's attraction.

But in this process, a lot of men get too touchy and are not careful about the way they initiate the whole process and as a result, some men come off too touchy and ruin their whole chances as they signal the wrong expressions for their right intentions.
For example, you may only want to make that woman interested and attracted to you so she can see you as a dating potential, but the way you do make physical contact with her body can give her a wrong signal which might indicate that you want to have a sexual experience with her.

So whether you are dealing with your girlfriend or a date partner, you need to know how to play this touching game well and learn about those aspects where you need to be more careful.

When a woman starts rejecting your touch and does not want to make body contact with you anymore, then that is when you will know that you have been doing it the wrong way and she have found it uncomfortable to her.
When you don't initiate a touch the right way, you will find out that your girlfriend will always find a way to get your hands off her or reject the act instantly.

But the problem is not that the woman in question does not want to be touched, the problem is that you are not doing it the right way and you all get it wrong.
When you are not in a bid for a sexual touch that can trigger her desire for sexual activities, then are are certain heights where you should not cross so as to avoid sending her the wrong signals about your intention.

Being natural and verbally fit is the key.
Sometimes, we guys don't really know how to be confident and let the women see it in us and that is why when we touch a woman, she don't just get to know why or she keep wondering why you are too touchy.

Confidence is the key to becoming successful in touching a lot of women and getting away with your desire right in their heart.
When touching a woman with such confidence, it will make everything feel okay and normal and thus, engaging her in a conversation that you sound very confident in talking about will open your doors to touching her without her noticing you did or ask why you did touch her.

Now think of it this way, a woman will never find it comfortable and interesting when you touch her more than you talk and interact with her, and she will keep noticing it when you touch her and how do it.
But when you just keep busy interacting with her and chatting her up, her attention turns to the conversation you are having and so, when you touch her, she hardly notices that you are touchy and even when you do, she will not care about it because you were able to be natural and verbally fit, doing it like its just a part of you and your normal daily living.

The levels of touching a woman.
When you are touching a woman, there are some levels and heights that are allocated to you depending on the way you are being seen by the woman. When you are able to master all these levels of touch, you can be able to know your boundaries when touching so you don't cross the lines.
(Also Read: Tips on how to be that special man every woman want )

When touching a woman who is not your girlfriend.
you have to understand that you are allowed limited options to touching and there are certain areas you should not cross when you are touching. Okay when you have feelings for her, you can touch her in a deeper way but not crossing your boundaries or overdoing it.

For example, you can initiate a touch when introducing yourself by using a handshake, you can also touch her shoulders or her arms or her lower laps when trying to explain something to her, you can touch her by helping her pull out something from her hair or face, etc.

You can see those ways to touch a woman without getting caught or dirty minded, these are known to be low levels of touches which are only suitable for women who you have not gone far or any miles with, maybe a woman you just meet or a woman you are about to start dating with.

When touching a woman you are dating with.
Its another level where you have to advance your touching performance and take it to the medium level. When initiating this kind of touch, you normally do it to send across a signal to her about something burning down in your heart. That is to say that when you touch her at this level, she should be able to feel it in a way that will make her desire someone like you in her life.

For example, when both of you are close, you can make your arms rest on hers too, while leading her to somewhere or when trying to cross a road, you can hold her hands or hold her from her back, when both of you are together, you can sit in a way that makes your thigh rest on hers, you can lean close to her just to pretend and whisper something into her ears, when something funny happened between the both of you that you all laughed, you can playfully push her from any point on her body, preferably her arms or her stomach area, but hey!! Don't do it forcefully, easy and gentle is the best way to go when dealing with women.

So that's just it, and you must remember that this level of touch goes well with women you are probably on a date with and not women you just newly meet.

The last level of touch you must learn about is the high level touching which involves you and your girlfriend.
This is the most sensitive part of it all that you can always do it wrongly if you are not careful in handling it.

She is your girlfriend, and you can touch her anyway, you can kiss, hug her around your arms, lay on top of her body, grab her from behind, etc.
But then, how you do it is what really matters. You must be able to know the systems of touching her in a way that will not make her uncomfortable or send her a wrong signal about what you are doing.
(Also Read: How to be a powerful confident man when dealing with women )

You must be careful.
One mistake men always repeat and make while touching a woman is placing their hands in one spot and position for a long period of time and that is why most women get the wrong interpretation to their touches.
When touching a woman, make sure that your hands are not in one position on her body, when you touch, move your hands away or adjust the areas your hands are touching, and when your body is close to each other, maybe hugging or leaning beside her, don't make it last for a long time.

When you are touching a woman, there should be decency and cleanness in your touches, even if the person you are touching is said to be a sexual partner. Its not every time that women get dirty or want to get dirty, and that is why you must apply decency when initiating your touch, don't touch her breasts or grab her ass just like that in a bid to show her what you want or who you are, always be a man with standards.

Remember that when touching, you should not go hard on her, grab or grope her, it should be done gently, smoothly and softly. Remember to look into her eyes as you are touching her, not looking in the direction of where you are touching on her body.

This whole act of touching is the best way we can take everything to the next level and to be frank with you guys, women love to be touched, so play nice and safe, apply decency and maturity and once you are able to take all precautions explained above, you can qualify to be called a master in this act of touching with any woman.

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