Saturday, May 23, 2015

When love gets confusing - What to do if he/she loves you but acts weird and strange sometimes

Men and women generally have been known for their strange behaviours sometimes in a relationship, but these strange behaviours does not have the same meaning in every man or woman, it takes different forms and meanings as to why they act in such a strange ways.

As a woman/man, you know when a guy or a woman truly loves you, and you know when a they starts to loose interest in you. And here comes this situation where you know that yes, they really loves you and will not do any thing to hurt you, but then sometimes, they just acts strange like they are not even interested in you, and if you are such type who easily gets shaken with a little challenge in your relationship, you start having nightmares as to what is happening and you grow suspicion in your relationship.

It's not a good time to get confused and frustrated when ever you see such things going on in your relationship. It does not mean that your partner is starting to loose interest in you. Your partner is well interested in you, in every relationship in existence today, there are moments when the man or the women suddenly acts weird and strange for no reason and later comes back to his or her normal senses in the relationship.

It has happened to me once or so, and it happened this way.
I went to see my girlfriend at her home, and before I left to go and meet her, I already informed her that I was coming and she was so happy, then I came. When i was approaching the house, I called her and told her i have already arrived and am approaching her home, she said okay and she never told me anything else. To me it was unusual, because the other times, whenever I told her am at her gate, she would run out, approach me and give me a hug, or a kiss, or even if she does not do any of that, she will probably come to welcome me and then walk me down to the parlor or into her room.

So it was a strange incident to me, I had to now walk into the house alone and when I entered the parlor, everyone was around, her dad, her mom, her sisters and brothers, although I already know them all and they know me too, but it was so strange to me and I was so shy. She was not even in the parlor, she was inside her room, so I decided to wait and see what she was upto.

We were in the parlor talking and chatting with everyone when she came with a glass of water and another bottled drink of a sort and kept them in front of me. Then no more word, she just went inside again and came out with some snacks in a plate, it wasn't for me, she went to the back seats in the parlor and sat down, I was wondering what was happening, she never talked to me as it used to happen before, then I just decided to watch her do her thing her own way.

Then almost everyone was out of the parlor in a short time because it's already night, I was left in the parlor with two of her sisters watching a movie. Then I decided to turn at my back and see what she was doing, immediately I looked back, our eyes meet and to my surprise, she gave me such a look that explains things like " why are you looking at me", "what an ugly face you have there, stop looking at me", "why are you looking at me? You are pissing me off", "am not interested in talking, don't look at me". Those are the explanations to the kind of look she gave me whining and rolling her eye balls from left to right, then up and down.

I felt a little angry, and embarrased of course, why will my girlfriend do such a thing? Oh maybe something was wrong, I need to find out, but how? She is not even interested in talking.

The first thing I did after what she did was to tell her sisters am going and I bounced out of the house angrily and with much curiousity as to why she did such a thing.

So what happened after that and how did I handle that situation? Am going to tell you while we talk about the subject matter.

So as a woman, you might have a similar case as mine or another case totally different from that, but I think it all explains the same situation, which is "Acting Strange and weird" all for no reasons. So this happens most times in every relationship. But there is no cause for alarm, you don't have to disturb yourself. Just consider the followwing things in order to handle such situations in your relationship.

Think of any previous incident that made your partner angry.
Now when your partner is now acting strange, you have to think if there was any previous incident between the both of you that made him/her angry and so, caused the strange attitude being portrayed.
So when you know something happened previously in the past, then you know that's the reason why he or she is acting strange.

All you need to do is to stop worrying and call your partner, then solve your problems and differences, if it requires you to appologise, then do it and get your relationship going.

Ask your part the reason behind the strange behaviour
Like in my own situation, it happened that she understood that I was angry about the fact she abandoned me and gave me a confusing look, and when I left the house and almost out of the gate, i saw her running towards me and was asking me to wait. I waited and she approached me, she asked me why I left, and asked me if I was angry or what. Then I replied her with a big "YES, I was angry because of what you did, for the fact that you did not even care to give me attention like you use to do before and also gave me such a confusing look, why do you have to do that? What is wrong with you, us? Have i done anything wrong? Please tell me, do you still love me and want to be with me?"

Those are just the questions I asked her and she replied them one after the other, to my surprise, she had no reason for acting the way she did, and she just asked me to forgive her that it's not going to happen again, and that yes, she still love me like those times we started dating.

Now after that, I was very much calm and understood that it was not her intention to act the way she did, maybe nature just decided to take over her and she could not help the situation, and having heard from her, I had no doubt in me that everything was fine and it was just a mere strange act.

So now, if you already know that there was no past incident which would have caused his/her strange act, then you should call him/her and calmly ask why he/she is acting in such a strange and weird way. Now this is not a time to fight, so while doing this, try to stay calm, focus on what they have to tell you and try to understand what they say.

The reason why your partner is acting strange might be maybe because they are going through a hard situation which they find hard to cope with or handle and as a result, you see such things reflecting your relationship and causing some changes.
So you should not judge your partner straight away, give your partner time and if he/she truly loves you, they will surely clear your minds and tell you that everything is alright just to make sure you put on a beautiful smile on your face once again.

Now when you have done all that and unfortunately, your partner refuse to answer to your questions or explain what is happening to you, then you know something is wrong, and the only thing you should do here is to give them space and time, and just keep yourself happy without caring about them. If they are ready to move along with you and make you happy again, then you will see that they come back to you and tell you everything you have to know.

Just love yourself for who you are and keep on smiling to those problems, you should just stop worrying and move on, if you were meant to continue and be together, your partner will surely come back to meet you were he/she left you.

So use these tips and I assure you that you will be a pro in handing such matters when they arise in any relationship you engage in.

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