Saturday, May 23, 2015

How to overcome shyness when talking to a new girl you just meet

Most times, I see a lot of guys being unable to speak out to a girl they newly meet, and it has been always hard for them breaking the ice with a new girl.

Most times, its this nervous feeling about where to start the talking and all these and that, and also maybe you think she is above your standards and so, she might not cooperate. It does not really matter who you are talking to, but what matters most is your ability to openly express your self and make friends with such girl without irritating her.

For example, you don't just see a girl walking down the road and heading somewhere else, then you just walk up to her, interrupted her walk and then try making a conversation at that spot, its really irritating for some girls. And also you as a shy guy, I don't really think you can do that, and if you try doing it, it will be really irritating because you can't freely express yourself, rather she will think you are up to her for another thing, like a dating matter or something of that sort.

With these little tips on How To Overcome Shyness When Talking To A New Girl You Just Meet , I hope you will not find any more problem communicating to a new girl.

1) Meet Her At The Right Spot.
You don't just meet a girl at any spot and start talking, the kind of place you meet a girl will show if you can talk to her at that moment or not. So you must find a suitable place where you know you will not feel shy talking to her. If you know a particular place where she like turning up to every time, or a place she always go to make herself happy. You can meet her at any of those places and talk to her, I believe you will not feel shy talking to her at any of these points because it is always fun, don't try meeting her at a crowded joint or a joint where all eyes are just on you as soon as you want to talk to the lady, it will make you to feel more shy.

Remember Their Names.
Maybe You have already meet her somewhere and you know her name, but you have not meet officially, now is the time to make use of that advantage and break the ice, try remembering their names before you try to start talking, you will not feel that shy as to where to even start because by calling out her name, she already know you meet her before and starting a new conversation will not be any thing so hard.

Introduce Yourself .
Now This is a simple part, after you try remembering her name, you just start something small like introducing yourself and trying to know more about her, make sure you are at ease while doing such. But if you can't remember her name, then you can make her feel at ease before much talking by being humorous, find a better way of asking her for her name without making her feel upset. For example, "oh,, hardly remember your name, don't be upset if I ask you again". Now this is gentle and humorous and will not make her feel any discomfort, rather it will put her at ease.

Listen More Than You Talk .
This is another good way of overcoming shyness while speaking to a woman either new or a friend. Don't be the one trying hard to do all the talking because you will feel so nervous at a certain point and you get that feeling like your bones are going to break at that moment. So you can try to avoid this by giving her questions that requires much expansion and explanation, don't ask her questions that will be replied with a Yes or No answer. When you try hard to do the whole talking, she can easily get irritated with your presence because you are not giving her a single opportunity to fully engage in the conversation. But giving her opportunity to talk will tell her that you are more interested in hearing her talk back to you and that you are interested in knowing her more.

Be Pleasant And Cordial .
Always be relaxed and have that pleasant looks that will make the lady want to talk more, be positive while you are talking to her and never try pissing her off with negative answers. Give her affirmative and positive signs to interesting speeches an let her know you are interested in what she is saying. Now you should also remember to smile, smile where you need to smile and don't do it too much, it might get her annoyed because she might miss the concept to why you are smiling at her.

At times, you also find a situation where the lady is also nervous and shy to talk to you, and you to you can't talk either, now when you find yourself in such situations, you must act well, be the ice breaker and make the first move with all confidence you got in you. Starting with lines like What is your name, Where did you come from, Where do you stay, how interesting did you find this place, etc. Now this is a good starter, and you must make her want to return the favour by also asking about you too. Now you should also tell her little things about you but not much. Don't tell her deep things about you at such early stages. The main aim is just to simply know each other and when that aim have been achieved, you get relieved because talking to he now will be a lot more easier.

Also some people who feel nervous while wanting to talk is because they are too quick to judging themselves, they think that if they approach the lady, she is going to judge them and so, they refuse to talk. Now you must be surprised that after thinking of something like that, what if they approach her, talk to her, and finally nothing happens?

So you must just let your self be and do what you have to do, it is because of the judgment you gave yourself that you can't make a move to speak to a lady, but once you let yourself be and give everything into the hands of karma, I tell you that you will feel a lot more better after approaching that lady and speaking to her.

For some people, this shyness is just a habit, and it is true in some people. If you are such type of a person, you must practice talking to other people any way, and in whatever way, do it regularly and try not to be distracted by other factors around you. With time you will be perfect in speaking up to any lady you meet without feeling nervous or any thing of such form.

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