Thursday, July 23, 2015

5 Best ways to get a girl interested in you

As i continue to live on my daily life, i have always wanted to meet with new and interesting women, those with difference in their own ways and with a unique womanly attitude.

Now as a guy, i have always wanted to achieve that aim of making a girl interested in me, and i have come across many advises on how i will get it done, well few worked and with my own tips all joined together, i was able to make any lady i come across interested in me.
Now i know this is the same reason why you are here, you want to learn how to get a girl interested in you in no time, now stay with us.

In this article, you will learn new ways you can use in getting any girl interested in you and even proceed to dating her. Make sure you use these tips accurately and i assure you that everything will work out perfectly.

So now, here are the  5 Best ways to get a girl interested in you.

#1. Be a different and a potential guy.
The first step towards achieving success in your chase for any woman is the step of uniqueness and difference from the other guys.
Don't be that guy who just sees a woman and then, start to act like the common guys who always loose out to any girl and get dumped in the friend zone.

When you first approach a woman, don't use the well known chat up lines and conversation starters used by those other men out there, this will indicate to her that you are just like one of those guys out there who she have no interest in.

So to get her interested in you, you should take a different manner of approach rather than the normal thing other guys do, don't ever make her think and know that you have been looking up to talk to her or meet her. Make it look real and let her know you just ran into her and decided to start a talk with her.

So after you must have known how to show her your uniqueness, you are now set to proceed to the other steps. But as you continue with these tips, make sure you carry that uniqueness along. Now move to the next step.

#2. Have fun and make her laugh.
Remember that you are not trying to make her to love you, but be interested in you and by the time she does, your door to dating chances is now open. So when you meet her newly, try not to be that odd type who just start a conversation that ends in a jiffy, that will make her think you have nothing much to show for and hence, she find you uninteresting.

So you should make your time together with her fun and get her tuned to dance to your conversation style. Don't allow boredom to set in so as to avoid unexpected moment of silence in which you feel she is not so interested and then you are left to fathom and think of what next to say.

After doing the above step, you should proceed to the next step.

#3. Make use of time constraint to request a date.
When the conversation seem to be of interest to her and she is loving it. Don't allow the flow to keep on moving because you might run out of topics and ideas and when that happens, it might be hard for you to make new requests from her, or start up the fun again.

So when you observe her interest in speaking with you and she is almost caught up, bring the conversation into a break by introducing your new schedule or event you must not miss. Now you can use that idea to request for another time with her.

For example, you can go like.. "OMG! I just remembered that i have to go and see some friends 15 minutes from now, we have an important issue to discuss about, where would you like us to go and buy a coffee together ".

By so doing, she would not resist or turn down your request, and if at all you are not that type that goes to the bar or she doesn't, then you can introduce a new option. Asking for her phone number is just another hint she can comply with, don't allow and wait for her to call out her digits, kindly offer her you mobile device to type it in, and after that, just be cool and act like nothing serious is happening inside your mind. then just set up a time with her when you can both meet and boom! You are already in.

#4. Keep her wanting to know you more.
Another secret to get her interested in you is to let her know little about you and then, keep her wanting to know you more.

When you tell a girl all about you, she would think you are too simple and have no secrets or scandals in life, which many girls don't like. So just tell her little and even when she thinks she knows everything about you, make her feel and understand that you have a broad personality and haven't learned everything about you.

This will surely keep her wanting to know more about you, tell her few lines of an important subject about you which she would clearly want to know more about and then, keep her wanting till when both of you are getting more closer and of value to each other.

#5. Give her personal time and space.
Now after much have been going on between the both of you and it seems she is into an addiction of meeting and talking to you.

Its time to just disappear and get out of sight. Doing this will make her think more about you and get worried why you have not been showing up or calling her.

Remember that you must not do this for a very long time, else you risk everything and get her to forget about you, so you should do this for a period not up to 6 days.

#Additional Note: For you to record success in this chase, using the day advantage will help you achieve such aim without any competition or any other guy interrupting you.

And moreover, she would not think that she is your target as you would appear to be busy too and up to something when you just ran into her.

These tips worked perfectly for me and i was almost dating 5 women at a time, lol. So all you need to do is just to try these tips out, and if you have more idea to this topic, you can play a nice role by commenting with your own tips so as to add to our own ideas.

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