Friday, May 29, 2015

The influence your friends can have in your relationship life

I believe you are all familiar with this term known as peer pressure and how it works in destroying the lives of many men and women today.

Since from the beginning of creation, this peer influence has been in great display and has always led its victims towards doing the wrong things in this life. Its always good to have and be among your peers in the social world of today but then, choosing to do things in ones way have been ruled out and and replaced with peer influence which does not do one any favour in his/her life.

The direction this article is taking today is based on how peer groups can bring pressure into ones relationship and dating life which in turn, causes that individual to make the most stupid and wrong choices ever.

Not every peer influence on this aspect has a bad influence and bad conditions to it, many are good and very right for an individual to use to his advantage, while the others can be self-destructive and shameful at the end.

So in every relationship today, there are certain situations in which peer pressures can land you into taking wrong decisions and also doing what is actually wrong but, thinking that you are doing the right thing.
Lets talk about some of the bad peer influence which are based on relationships and possible ways to make sure that you don't fall into them.

Getting a beautiful/handsome partner for the course of your relationship.
This is one great aspect where you see a lot of peer groups and social groups giving same and exact definition to the kind of person they want you to engage with.

For the women, when they have a friend who wants to find a man for herself, they are fond of asking her to look for a handsome man with fine looks, tall or slim, fair or dark, etc.
They always tend to forget that a good man do not always appear in such forms and so, it is not always the best.

Fortunately for such women, they yield into such kinds of advice and peer influence and then, they find a very handsome man with all the qualities listed by her friends.
But unfortunately for such women, when the relationship has started and both parties are now engaged, they see the other sides of that man they have chosen.

Maybe it was unknown to her that the man is a womanizer, a smoker, drug addict, cultist, or any thing of such kind, and once they find out, it might just be too late to draw back because many things have been done which can never be undone.

Also for the men, its also the same situation many are facing. When you have chosen a lady to be with and the lady is not so attractive with all the qualities your friends want, they refuse to accept her in their midst and be a friend to the lover of their friend.
This act always discourages you entirely and perhaps, they must say a little and ask you to change and look for a better woman, this will now entice you to find a very beautiful woman with almost everything your friends need.

But her bad sides and the inner image in her might be hidden and unknown to you, and once the relationship have started, you see them change into something else which can cause you a lot of troubles and regrets.

She might turn out to be too expensive, likes to cheat and even have so many other lovers aside you, that's not a definition to the perfect love life you have always needed.

So when this kind of peer pressure sets in at the verge of your decisions making, the best companion you have is your heart. You should follow the good intentions in your heart and never minding what friends will say to you.
If your goal has always been to find a loving and a caring partner who will be honest and without considering each others looks, then you must follow your heart and do what is right for you.

When your friends see how both of you are relating and how you have been your best the whole time in the relationship, they will learn to accept your choices and move along with you because that is the only option they have and they will learn to embrace your choices.

Influence based on your sexual life.
This is also one of the aspects where peers have great influence in ones life.
For the men, they tend to influence their friends to engaging their lover with sexual intimacy.

In the men's aspect, many men receive peer influence from their friends stating to them that if their wife/girlfriend cant allow them have $ex, then they don't truly love them and so, to know if they truly have love for them, they demand sex from them.

Also, it can be for sexual pleasures, where your friends will put on great pressure on you about being the odd one among them and not been able to experience and experiment.
Because of that, a lot of men tend to fall for the games and engage their partners with sexual activities which they might not turn out to like or enjoy.

As a result, they face many damages in them and great regrets about what they have done, this is not a good situation in any relationship.
Sex is not an act that qualifies for true love, it can be destructive and of great self limitation for the woman and in a community where it is not accepted by all, it is always advisable not to fall for the act.

Dating the rich guy.
This influence is mainly categorised for the ladies where their friends will always pester them to date a rich guy who owns a nice luxury, a nice car and can take them anywhere they want.

This works well with the ladies and many of them do yield to such influences, but when the relationship starts to extend, it normally starts going astray.

When you just find a man and you are just concerned with the money, luxuries and friendly advantages based on his riches, he will later find out and once he does, he will gradually change. Later on, he will actually end the relationship and find a better woman to love him without looking at his wealth status.

These are some of those peer influence which you must desist from if you really want to live a better and a happier relationship life. Don't allow your friends to come in as a third party between you and your lover.
Its always a good choice following your own heart, and when friends come with good influence, embrace and use them, but when bad peer influence is seen in display, you must try every possible best to differentiate your heart from your friends and then, choose to follow your heart.

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