Saturday, May 2, 2015

See the reasons why a woman should not ask a man out for date

As a woman, the idea of asking a man out yourself is a step which if taken, can cause you both negative feedbacks, and positive assumptions.

When a woman finds a man whom she likes, it's normally seen that she probably like to approach the man without thinking about any negative effect to what she is doing. Yes it is good and alright to ask a man out, there is nothing bad in doing so, but because of some things being assumed by other people, it attracts many negative effects.

Normally, a woman can ask a man out, and there are many women who also do ask men out, but unfortunately, there are many erroneous definitions given to this act, these erroneous assumptions are being made by many people and also many social circles where they believe that it is actually a wrong idea that a woman should ask a man out on a date. Because of these assumptions, they give negative feedbacks mostly to these women who do ask men out on dates.

Many women are seen facing total rejection and turn off by men who believe in this assumptions. But it's not a bad idea if a woman should do that, there are probably reasons to why she is asking a man out as a woman and though her reasons are not known yet, there is no need taking it the other way round just because she is making the first move.

Some People Describes Women Who Ask Men Out As Sluts, Is That True? And Why?

Yes, there are many men out there who consider women who ask men out as sluts, but is barely a truth and a fact. A slut is always known for finding much comfort in sexual activities with other men whom she likes to get into such acts with, that means she would probably be dating more than one man in her lifetime.
Now some people consider women who asks men out as women who want to go into an intimate relationship which involves sexuality, but that's from their own thinking, so it is considered not to be true.

When a woman is seen asking a man out, there must be a certain reason to that, she has already known what she wants from the man, or the unique quality in the man which made her to ask him out. Now that woman must have known the correct manner of approach she would use to get what she want from the man, so you see that it does not make her a slut, if given a chance, you will know her reasons for asking you out as a man.
But when your definition to a slut is "Someone who asks a man out" , then your answer to this question is that " a woman is not a slut for asking a man out" .

When you compare these two things, a woman asking a man out, and a slut, you see that they have no relation at all, a slut is sexually promiscuous, but a woman asking a man out has another thing in her mind. A woman will probably ask a man out due her own personal reasons which you can never understand except she shares those reasons with you.

Now talking about those reasons why a woman should not ask a man out, there are many reasons, and these reasons come in handy due to those false assumptions being made by other people. Here are some of the false assumptions which gives the " Reasons Why A Woman Should Not Ask a Man Out.

1) They Think She Is Desperate.
Yes, a woman who asks a man out can be falsely accused of desperation which others might still believe to be true, you know when a woman is desperate for a particular thing, she can do anything to get it. For example, when a woman wants money, or she wants someone who can spend on her and take care of her needs, she can be desperate to find someone who can do such things for her, and when she finds someone like that, she can't help her desperation and finally, she end up asking that man out. But it's not the same in all cases, not all women who ask men out are desperate or in need of something.

2 She Is Said To Be Easy
An easy woman can do surprising things which you think they are not right, an easy woman does not think hard before doing a particular thing or taking a particular decision. So a woman asking a man out might be seen to be an easy person who does not have the hard to get syndrome her. That's not true in all cases, and the answer to this assumption is "No, she is not an easy person".

3) She Only Wants a Sexual Relationship
Many times, this assumption is made and that's why women who ask men out get others to think that they only wants a sex partner and not a relationship partner. She is not in desire for sex, so this is certainly untrue.

4) She Is Seen As A Slut.
This another aspect of a false assumption, people think that they are just sexually promiscuous and just want to date many men for sexual pleasures. This is untrue.

5) She Is Just A Sugar Mummy
Do you think that's true? People think that a woman asking a man out means that she just want to get into that position of supporting, helping and even paying that man as far as he agree to be with her. That's one false part of those assumptions being made by the people.

So if you find yourself in an environment where they believe any of such assumptions, then its not a good idea to ask any man out, but in other situations where you find it comfortable to do that, you can ask a man out.

But these assumptions are not actually true, the world is already changing, and here comes 2015, where many things have changed, and today, you see a bunch of women asking men out and getting accepted by those men because its good to be loved and admired by a woman, and when you get such admiration from a woman, you don't need to turn her off and reject her, you should just accept her and with time, you will know her real reasons for such approach on you. Its just a courtesy, and when you get that, you should never try to compare it to sluttish activities.

Today's dating culture is changing, and today, you see that it's either the man, or the woman making the move and they get along in no time. So don't reject a woman who makes an approach to you, you should accept her just the way you will want another woman to accept you if you ask her out.

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