Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to end a relationship when you are not sure about the future of your relationship

So here comes this situation where you are in a relationship with someone who you know you can't be together with in the future, and you love that person so much, but since you are not sure of the future for both of you, and then you are looking for ways on how to end a relationship.

Is there any need to continue in the relationship? Or it's just time to break off and move on with your life with another person whom you know you can be together with in the future.

This is a situation in one's life where the individual gets confused about the relationship and wishes to find reasons for being in that relationship.
When that person you are in love with is the only person that keeps you going, you are being addicted to that person, that person have become part of your life and your dreams, you can't sit for a second without thinking about that person, and all you have wanted was to be together with that person, then here comes the situation where you are sure that both of you can't be together in the future, then you realize that it was all a fantasy.

There are many situations that makes one to know that they can not be together with that person they have wished to be with in the future. Here are some of those situations and how to get over with them without thinking yourself out. Here we go.

* When Your Parents Do Not Approve That Person And Probably Don't Even Want You To Be With Him Because He Has Nothing To Show Off And He Does Not Have Enough To Take Good Care Of You In The Future. So you want to breakup with him

This Situation is faced by mostly the women in relationships today, so here is an objective answer to relief you of this situation.
Let's take it this way, if you will want to breakup with him because he is not what your parents want him to be, then you don't love him, and you are not in love with him. If you really love him, then you don't have to love the version of him which your parents and friends wants him to be.

If you really love him, then you will love who he is at that moment, and you will not be thinking of what your parents or friends want him to be or what they approve of him. When you love him truly, then your family and friends have limited choices to what you want. This means that your family and friends must accept you as you are and as who you are. Now this also implies that they must accept the choices you make towards things that makes you happy.

So you see that you have to let him go, or you love him for who he is and for who you are, if you really love him, then your love is not an outward love, but if you love what you want him to be, then you have to let him go when in situations like this because you are not truly in love with him.

In situations like this, you can't change him into someone your friends and family will approve for you because you don't have the right to do so, and if you think you can change him to be what your family wants him to be, then you are also giving him the right to turn you and change you to whosoever he wants you to be. Now am sure you are not ready for that. So you should let go of him if you want him to be what your family approve of him, or you continue to love him and get your family and friends to respect you for your choices you make and for whom you are.

* Your Partner Is Not Strongly Committed To You.
When your partner is strongly committed to you and the relationship, and also if he/she really want to be together with you in the future, you see your partner doing a lot of things and making a lot of good decisions which shows you that he/she truly loves you and want to be together with you in the future. Some of these things might be: 1) Relocating to the area where you live. 2) Getting to school for a good education background. 3) Getting a better job just to make sure both of you don't find it hard caring for your needs. Etc.

But when your partner finds it hard coming to live at the same location with you, or even coming to the area where you live just to see you, or when he/she finds it hard looking for a better job to make you feel comfortable, or when he/she does not want to go to collage despite the fact that you want him/her to go to collage. Then you know that they are not dedicated to making you happy and making decisions that makes you feel comfortable.

Also when your partner finds it hard coming to see your family, while your own family are eager to see that your lover. Your family will see it this way as not being serious about the relationship, and that's the impression you will get too. So when you see such incidents setting into your relationship, you should breakup with your partner because the future is not clearly seen to be true between both of you.

There are situations where you find your partner very controlling and self-centered, you see that your partner does not really does things that shows care and love for you. When your partner does things based on his/her own interest, that means your lover does not care about how you feel when things are not taken the way you want them to be.

* The Time To Breakup:
When you know that there is no future in your relationship, just breakup because there is no need of being in the relationship, love is not an investment fund. You might have been in the relationship for a long period of time, but you don't have to regret the time you have wasted, because you live in a planet called earth where you live, you love, you win and you also fail. So there is nothing you lost. The time both of you have spent have given you a lot of experience, you have learned a lot of things about this thing called relationship, and you don't owe that person you broke up with anything. You broke up because you feel like that person does not meet your desires and aspirations as to what you want from a potential partner

* It's Always Good To Be Patient:
But sometimes, it will seem that you are all in a hurry to get what you want, not knowing that good dreams and aspirations don't come through the easy way at all times. Sometimes you need to allow things to develop and evolve for good. Maybe you think that your partner does not have enough to take care of you, do you think that things will continue to be like that? Or because your partner is still in collage while you are already a working class.
Things always change and you see the poor today becoming the rich tomorrow. So it always count when you remain patient and allow things to happen at the times being set for them.

* Why Not Give Your Relationship A Chance?
Its not always good looking for ways on how to end a relationship when you are not thinking of breaking up, then the option you got is to give your relationship a chance. Now during this time, you need to set many things aright and get them moving in the right direction you want them to go. You have to improve your communication with your lover and talk about the things that both of you want from each other and discuss on how you can get them fulfilled.

Talking about what your friends, if they don't like partner, then you need to know the right body languages to use while talking about him/her so that they don't turn him off or see him as a jerk whenever both of you are together. While giving your relationship a chance, you must allow things to develop and improve in their own times and not looking for ways on how to end a relationship.

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