Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Amazing!! See What Ladies Want From You On a First Date

I have seen a lot of guys making big and silly mistakes on a first date with a lady whom they like or when they are on an outing with their new catch.
One of the biggest thing that can kill your morale on a first date is over excitement.
So even if that lady is proving a hard to get syndrome or not, these little tips will help boast your chances of winning a woman's heart while on a date.

So these are What ladies want from you on a first date .

Note: Whenever am writing articles about finding love on a first date, I always emphasise on the type of personality you have, if you don't have a good personality, a lady will never come to even think of loving you even if you are handsome or whatever. So having a good personality sets you on the right part to practice these below tips.

1) Dress Smart And Cute.
You should ensure a proper dress code which will give that lady a feeling that you are smart and even cute, but then do not get over-dressed or even go to the extent of lending a cloth because you want to entice her and get her to like you more, don't do that.

2) Avoid a Bad Body Smell/Odour:-
When you apply a harsh body spray, or perfume, it will cause her great discomfort which is also a big turn off point because she will want to device an excuse to leave and find herself better comfort.

Also if you Actually Know you have a bad body smell, then try using a body spray that is not so harsh and which she can find comfortable so that you will not cause discomfort to her mood during conversation.

3) Never Talk About Your Past Relationship.
Many girls hate it when you talk about your past relationship while in conversation. And also some ladies will intentionally ask you about your past relationship so that they can know what will be your attitude towards them and your reaction even if they left you.

Well as a smart guy, it is wiser and better never to speak anything about your past relationship, you better say non of it but rather, say more about her and her positive attitude and also make her your priority at that moment. Say things that will impress her and make her have a feeling of belonging and also make her feel cared for.

4) Don't Talk About Your Family Status.
Well this one is common among the less matured guys out there, who like bringing in their family status, wealth e.t.c while discussing with a lady. This will reduce and lower your chances of getting her to like you and you know what that means, a big failure.

5) Avoid Taking Her To Un-conducive Places.
Places like the beer parlour is not conducive while on a date, she will not like it, also an unconducive eatery joint is not good on a date, a noisy environment will limit your conversation because both of you will definitely loose the focus and concentration you should have.

6) Don't Be Late On a Date.
Avoid being late when she request for an outing or when you have already made your plans and have a time set, taking her out to a place very late will cause murmuring and panicking.

7) Appreciate Her.
Always appreciate her for giving you her precious time and even creating out time just to spend the day or even the week with you even if things did not go well as you expected and wanted.

8) Send Her Lovely Messages.
The best time to send a lady lovely text is during the early morning hours and midnight hours. So at these periods in time, always send her lovely messages which suits the time and her mood. If she is sick, send her messages wishing her a quick recovery, if she is sad, send her messages that will put a smile on her face, when she is discouraged and stranded, send her messages that will uplift her and make her gain confidence in her self, if she is feeling like she is a no body, send her messages that will make her see and gain back her self worth.

Well with all these tips I have articulated, I see no reason why she would not want to be with you.

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